Dear reader,
Yesterday I found to my shock that one of my goldfish had broken his back, Poor thing... I have no idea how it happened, a few hours before it had been just fine, After some research I think it might have been because it swam into the glass with to much force.
Anyway, the poor thing (I got him and 2 other goldfish 50 weeks ago so he didn't make it past a year, the other two are still alive) was still alive but seemed to have lost all will to live. It wouldn't move for food it wouldn't splach when beeing scooped and it couldn't swim so i decided that the humane thing to do was to freeze it. (this might sound odd but the coldness makes it numb so that it notices as little as possible from the process.)
So my poor goldfish named Monogatari(japanese for fairy-tale) died yesterday after having lived with me for almost a year.
I felt incredibly sad.
And I became an absolute wreck when I remembered that I can't take my fish with me when I go to college, my room doesn't allow them, not even fish... It makes me feel incredibly sad.
And of course, my brother in law told me he would give me a hamster (including cage and everything because he dotes me and hates seeing me sad) Which made me even more sad cus I would actually really like one but I know I can't have one cus the owner has the right to kick me out if I own a pet.
But still, I have grown up surrounded by pets, we have had cats(They died when i was really young so I don't remember them well), dogs(we still have 2 of those, one is 13 the other is nearly 9), rabbits (we had two, one died when he was 8 because of stomach cancer and the other one was 11 and he died from another form of cancer) but we've also had tropical fish and other small animals.
I have never been without a furry (or fishy) companion and I am forced to go without for the next 4 years...
I'm contemplating getting a tamagotchi or something.
I wonder how I will survive without a furry creature looking at me with expecting eyes hoping I will play or cuddle with them... Maybe I should try to find a room where I'm allowed to keep a pet...
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